View millions of active candidates
You’re guaranteed to find the freshest talent in your industry for your vacancies.
CV Search & Import
The unique CV Search & Import integration allows all you to access extensive CV Database of CV-Library and TotalJobs from your Recruitly ATS platform.
Search and filter
Keyword search using Boolean searching and filter results using multiple criteria, including salary, location, education and recent activity.
Keyword search using Boolean searching and filter results using multiple criteria, including salary, location, education and recent activity.
Preview and view CVs
Preview a candidates profile without spending a credit. You can download CVs or view them online.
Preview a candidates profile without spending a credit. You can download CVs or view them online.
Import CVs
With a single click import candidate into your Recruitly database and assign the candidate to the Job.
With a single click import candidate into your Recruitly database and assign the candidate to the Job.

Latest CV Check
Receive instant CV alerts when a candidate has updated their profile on CV-Library. You can also view and import CV instantly all from within Recruitly ATS System.
Designed for Recruiters
Recruitly is designed with productivity in mind. Our intuitive UI keeps the clutter away and lets you focus on what really matters.
A central recruitment client relationship database with one single source of data.

a central recruitment client relationship database with one single source of data
Provide outstanding candidate and client experience with our streamlined ATS module.

Advertise to multiple job boards, social media, and to your website instantly.
Design, send and track with marketing solution built right into your recruitment CRM.
Let's grow together
Sign-up for a 7-day free trial. Or talk to us about your CRM needs and discover how Recruitly can help you streamline your operations and make more placements.