Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships. – Michael Jordan
Talent is yours, teamwork is your collective effort and intelligence is ours. I guess we are winning the championship after all. 😉
Most of the organizations start small, with very few employees. Coordination then does not seem to be very difficult. But eventually every business expands and team strength has to be heightened. That is when coordination between N: N takes a toll.
Keeping a tab on each user’s work to be in the loop is practically not possible. But why should your work take a hit because of that?
Using @mentions in Recruitly
Consider having a team of 10 agents working on different projects. Like we always say Recruitment business works on only and only a strong database.
Samantha (agent 1) has been working with XYZ recruitment agency for 10 years now. She knows her game very well. Janice (agent 2) joined the company 2 months back. Samantha has been training and mentoring Janice with all the resources possible. Because, Janice does not have a very strong database both of them are working on a new project for a business analyst, finance together.
They have a platform where they can collaborate over any record or job within the tool. Samantha can add comments by mentioning Janice in them.
Example: “@Janice this seems to be a perfect candidate for the Business analyst job”.
To which Janice replies, “ @ Samantha, yes it does. I have sent out the CV’s to the recruiter.
- When mentions are made both the users get notifications + mention emails. You can directly click on the record on which the mention was made and then work on it.
- Improved their Communication
- They always had a track of all the past mentions. Historic data.
- Samantha did not need to transfer her own records to Janice, she simply mentioned them to bring it to her attention.
- Samantha could assign easy tasks to Janice too
So Janice has learned easy and efficient collaboration with a smart tool. Being new to the company did not stop her from performing well. She got mentored well and her experience + productivity enhanced.
Want to know more about teamwork management? Contact us at sales@recruitly.i